Saturday, November 24, 2007


Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about TV and the shows I love on TV. I am, well, passionate. I do watch a bunch of shows and this is only possible with kids because I have a DVR (Digital Video Recorder). We have had a DVR for over five years. I like to be able to watch my shows at night after the kiddos go to bed. I also like the ability to be able to pause live TV and skip commercials. This becomes especially helpful as many of the commercials on TV these days are just not appropriate for my children. I don't really want my kids watching previews for scary movies, women running around in their panties and bras (I don't want my husband seeing that either) or just trash, so the DVR has become especially helpful.

Until recently we have always preferred fact I would have considered myself a TiVo snob. It brings me such joy that TiVo has become a household word, and even a verb (I Tivo-ed it). I am embarrassed, and very hesitant to even tell you, about 5 months ago we switched to Direct TV's HD-DVR. There the secret is out. My husband has a love for all things high def, he'd even watch paint dry in HD. I have to say I love it and it has a number of features that are even, may I say it, better then TiVo.

Overall the DVR is something I am not sure I can live without, I don't have a lot of time, especially to watch commericals I don't care about. It helps me manage my time and my TV better and makes sure I run the TV and the TV doesn't run me. If you find yourself trying to keep up with shows, and want to use your time more efficiently then a DVR might help your life.

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