As she lifted the warm paper cup to her lips and took a sip, a slow little smile formed on her mouth, as the flavor touched her taste buds the smile grew bigger, she was good.

Drinking coffee was not part of my life until I graduated
college and moved to
gorgeous Washington State. It was then my love affair with beautiful, beautiful Starbucks began. My family and friends in the northeast cringe as I denounce their beloved Dunks, but Starbucks just puts a smile on my face. Plain and simple, Starbucks makes me smile.
Frappuccinos, White Chocolate
Mochas, and the beloved, seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte...I love them all. Yes it is expensive, yes I know how much it costs per gallon, but it sure is good. I love putting both hands on my warm cup and just soaking in the yum on a cold day. I love a good Carmel
Frappuccino during the hot Texas summer.
Oh, you are not in to coffee, no worries, Starbucks offers non-coffee
Frappuccinos. Their Double Chocolate Chip
Frappuccino is Olivia's favorite (thanks
Dunkle Scott), it tastes like a frozen hot chocolate and is very great. Also, the
Carmel Apple Spice is a wonderful holiday favorite.
Word to the wise, please don't burst my bubble with tales of how many calories and fat grams are in each cup, I might tell you to quiet down. I want to be ignorant. :)
Off to go get my
grande, decaf, nonfat, extra hot, white chocolate mocha WITH whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Any readers out there have a guilty pleasure they like to splurge on?
1 comment:
My three year old loves a child's hot chocolate from Starbucks. I think it is so cute how she wraps her little hands around the cup and sips the hot chocolate and gets excited about the whip cream..."ooh this is soooo good!" I just cannot understand how she gets the hot chocolate mustache sipping from the little opening :)
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